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Arbitration Arbitration- Judgment Arbitration- A new horizon
New Horizon arbitration 2nd Edition
Law Of Arbitration
New Horizon Arbitration (2014)

In November 2008 the Arbitration Law (Amendment No. 2), 5769-2008 ("Amendment No. 2") was enacted, which amended the Arbitration Law, 5728-1968. Adv. Israel Shimony, who was one of the proponents of the amendment to the Law, was one of the chief forces which initiated the amendment to the law in 2004. Adv. Shimony`s belief and tireless actions have, ultimately, brought about the enactment of the amendment to the law, an amendment which created a veritable revolution in the field of arbitration.

The bill was submitted by Knesset Members Gidon Saar and Amira Dotan, and at the initiative of the author, Adv. Israel Shimony (former Deputy Head of the Israeli Bar Association), and Adv. Ronen Setty. The bill began its journey into law in 2004, and was finally enacted, as aforesaid, as an amendment to the Law in late 2008.

The Author, Adv. Shimony`s efforts to amend the law were driven by the sad state of arbitration in Israel, which did not match modern legal or business dynamics. The old Arbitration Law - which was amended only once in more than 40 years - granted the arbitrator almost absolute authority, even to bring about the financial downfall of an individual or company, without giving reasons, without judicial supervision, and without a right to appeal.

The book includes three sections:
a. Section 1 - Basic Principles in Arbitration Law
b. Section 2 - Judicial Process and Appeals
c. Section 3 - International Arbitration and Comparative Law.

Each section includes chapters which detail the theory and practice in the field, and contain constant reference to Amendment No. 2 to the Arbitration Law, and its effect on the re-invention of arbitration proceedings.

The book also includes appendices, which include relevant international conventions and laws, and detailed keys.

"The author provides us with in-depth and comprehensive knowledge, and integrates the old and the new, legal thought with business considerations. Court rulings given over the years are reviewed within the context of the innovations enacted under Amendment No. 2 to the Law. All these are presented clearly, in detail, and in an interesting manner. This work by the author will fast become a centerpiece of legal literature." (Introduction by Uri Goren, President of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa District Court)

price: 750 ILS
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Dr. Israel Shimony
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